Flying Permits:
Both your AMA card and your Buder park Flying permit below are required to be current to fly. Each person flying must have current proof of these current cards by calendar year in their possession to have permission to fly at the Buder Park flying field. Without a current permit or current AMA insurance, you are to stop flying and you may be subject to fines through St Louis County Park ordinances and their enforcing Park Rangers.
This is to ensure safety to all people and property at Buder Park.
Click this link below to download permit application form.
Buder 2022 Permit
Your new permit will be valid until December 31st 2022
Please update your permit before the December 31st deadline to enjoy uninterrupted flying in January.
Click this link for the AMA Web site to obtain AMA flying insurance required for Buder Park. You must obtain a full AMA membership. The “Park Flyer” AMA membership does not carry the minimum amount of insurance required by St Louis County for Buder park.
You must strictly respect and observe the flying zones available at Buder Park according to this current map below.
Last updated 12/12/21